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Home / Our Range / Next Generation Grain Haulout Bin / Super Seed and Fertiliser Option
The triple bin is a special order bin only available on 30T, 38T & 47T bins (cannot be retro-fitted). The three compartments are equal size and are separated by a bolt-in partition with large service doors which lock closed for planting and lock open for harvest.
Available as an option is the heavy duty Electric over Hydraulic Cut-Off Plates operated by a wireless remote control that allows the farmer to use a tractor with a limited number of remotes. This unit can operate up to 4 separate components making this the perfect option for the farmer working on his own. The remote control kit has the ability to still operate the bin from the tractor as well as having emergency manual levers as back-up.
Primarily a chaser bin, it still has all the same feature including the Amerlock 2K coating inside to help protect the bin against the corrosion of fertilisers and the Anti-Corrosive Epoxy Primer on the outside with PPG 2Pak top coat.